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Approved Minutes, March 28, 2012
City of Salem Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes

Board or Committee:             Design Review Board, Regular Meeting
Date and Time:                  Wednesday March 28, 2012 at 6:00pm
Meeting Location:                       Third Floor Conference Room, 120 Washington Street
Members Present:        David Jaquith, Michael Blier, Ernest DeMaio, Glenn Kennedy, Helen Sides
Members Absent:         Chairperson Paul Durand
Others Present:                         Tom Daniel
Recorder:                               Sarah Brophy

David Jaquith calls the meeting to order. Roll call was taken.

Urban Renewal Area Projects Under Review
  • 60 Washington Street (3 Potato 4): Discussion of proposed signage and carry out window
The submission, dated March 15, 2012, includes the window plan, photos and signage drawings.

Gweneviere Blanchard, the owner was present at the meeting. Within Ben & Jerry’s they are adding a new concept to the back of the store, and on Lynde Street, they are proposing to add a pass through window for the busy months. In addition, there will be a place to order within the store. The counter within the store is handicap accessible.

The exterior sign will be hung on a bracket above the window. It will be 2’ x 2’ and will be mounted at least 8’ to the underside of the sign. There will be a 1’ x 2’ sign on the inside of the window. That sign will take up less than 20% of the window area.

Blier questioned if the window is handicap accessible. Daniel stated that the DRB is to approve the concept and the building inspector will verify the required dimensions of the window. If modifications are required to the façade of the building, additional DRB review and SRA approval will be required.

DeMaio likes the concept, but noted that the interior sign should be hanging and not affixed to the window.

Kennedy questioned the physical location of the exterior sign and commented that the sign feels unfinished. Kennedy to provide a few suggestions of fonts that may work better.

Blier questioned the attachment of the exterior sign to the brick. The owner stated that the brick would not be penetrated. The bracket that is in the meeting materials is not the one that is being proposed. The owner will provide bracket specifications.

Kennedy: Motion to approve with the following conditions:
  • If the decision of the building inspector regarding the window height impacts the façade, the applicant will need to return for review and approval of those changes;
  • The clearance height of exterior sign needs to be at least 8’;
  • The bracket specifications shall be provided; and
  • The interior sign shall be hung.
  • Kennedy will also suggest alternative fonts for the signs, but there is no requirement to change them.
Seconded by: Sides, Passes 5-0.

  • 281 Essex Street (Life Alive): Discussion of proposed signage
The submission, dated March 15, 2012, includes a sign permit application, sign plan, and photos.

DeMaio recused himself.

Steve Tanner and Heidi Feinstien were present. The proposal includes a new blade sign and window decals. All imagery corresponds to the signage at the Cambridge location.

The existing blade sign will be replaced with a PVC sign that will have dimensional letters. The footprint of the blade sign will be the same as the existing sign and will use the existing bracket. Purple bubbles in the image will not be on the physical sign.

The top decal band has been removed and will not be installed.

Kennedy: Motion to approve, seconded by Sides. Passes 5-0.

  • 32 Derby Square (Salem Museum): Discussion of proposed signage
The submission, dated March 20, 2012, includes a sign permit application, sign plans and photos.

Ken Harris attended on behalf of the Salem Museum. The proposal is to add signage on both the North and South facades. Physical samples of the signage material were presented to the DRB.

Kennedy recommended that the white on the center match the trim on the windows.

DeMaio commented that the signage will need to be approved if imagery changes in the future.

Kennedy: Motion to approve with the following conditions:
  • The white of the center sign shall match the trim on the windows; and
  • If the graphics change, additional approval will be required.
\Second by: Sides, Passes 4-0.

  • 76 Lafayette Street (Howling Wolf Taqueria): Discussion of proposed flower boxes and outdoor dining area
The submission includes letters, plans, drawings, and photos.

Pat Schulz attended from Howling Wolf. Existing flower boxes were installed last year. The owner did not realize that approval was required. At this time, he is seeking approval for the existing flower boxes as well as the new ones being proposed.

Paint colors were provided for the DRB to review. Sides and Kennedy offered suggestions. ‘Sun Porch’ and ‘Roasted Tomato’ are acceptable. The exact green needs to be refined. The tone needs to be pulled back. Another color like purple might be better than the green.

DeMaio commented on the back panel and stated that he prefers the existing boxes. The proposed back panel closes off the visual connection to the street. Moreover, the underside of the counter needs to be considered, as it will be visible.

Blier: Motion to approve with the following conditions:
  • The new window boxes shall match the existing ones;
  • The connection between the boxes and the counter above them shall be studied; and
  • The underside of counter shall be finished.
Seconded by: Sides, Passes 4-0.

  • Two East India Square (Essex’s NY Deli & Pizza): Discussion of proposed portable sign
The submission includes a sign image.

The proposed A-Frame has been revised per the DRB’s comments. Sides commented that the sign needs space around the edges. A physical border is not necessary, but the text and imagery needs some breathing space.

Kennedy offered to tweak the sign in the digital file and send to Daniel.

Sides asked if the possessive from the word “Essex” could be removed.

Daniel reviewed where the A-frame can be physically located. A clear path needs to be provided between the column and the bollard so that it is not an obstruction. The primary pedestrian pathway cannot be obstructed.

Owner asked it she could hang a sign from the building. Daniel stated that the approval process will have to start from the beginning if that is the direction she chooses to take.

Kennedy: Motion to approve subject to edits to be made by Kennedy, seconded by Sides. Passes 4-0.

  • Salem Downtown Renewal Plan: Distribution and brief discussion of document


Approval of the minutes from the February 22, 2012 regular meeting.

Sides:  Motion to approve, seconded by Kennedy. Passes 2-0.

Other Business

DeMaio expressed concern over the 6 pm meeting time as it is becoming increasingly difficult for him to make meetings. The group was open to meeting at 6:30 pm. Daniel will do some research and speak with absent members before making a decision.


        Kennedy:  Motion to adjourn, seconded by Ernie. Passes 4-0.

        Meeting is adjourned at 7:50 pm.